W/C 25.02.19
8. Timing is Key (Part 2) |
Weekly Event: |
Pichi Kichi's - a series of presentations from the class
I was allocated Rem Koolhaas, the Dutch architect and urbanist. I think both him and his work are pretty cool (he gained this post in my great design blog) . However, I found it difficult to know how to approach the presentation. Koolhaas has done a vast amount of work. It would have been overwhelming enough to decide on 10 projects to present, but they’re not necessarily what’s most interesting about him. It’s his philosophy. Which is very difficult to explain in 10 seconds.
Koolhaas is pretty unique in that he generally works on competition entries, resulting in a series of highly conceptual, predominantly unbuilt projects. My first thought was to present only his designs that were never built. But then I decided some of his built work is too important to ignore. I finally picked out a selection of images that I felt were important and varied enough.
I found last week that 'Timing is Key' - and those words were reiterated this week in a completely different context. There were so many interesting things to say about each one – but then I timed it, cut the narrative down to 10 seconds, and was left with very little. On reflection, I ended up with basic descriptions and failed to present much of the interesting thinking behind them. I think my error was in choosing the images first. For my Pecha Kucha I will definitely plan the script first to ensure I get to say all of the important points, and let the images follow. I also plan to be a lot better rehearsed for the Pecha Kucha. I never normally present with notes, but I didn’t know my Pichi Kichi well enough (thanks to the engineering ball the night before), and the timings were vital, so I read from a script. The Pecha Kucha will be 4 times as long but hopefully I’ll be script free and much more interactive! |